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Friday, January 14, 2022


 I am on those people who enjoys cooking... I like food and I like my own cooking. These days I tend to watch what I eat more and more.  Rarely do I find myself in line at the local fast food chains, but when I do, I am reminded why I like to cook! 

There is just something about a Sunday that makes me want to cook a big meal.  My Grandma always had Sunday dinner of steak and consomme rice with a creme de menthe grasshopper afterwards, and Grandpa would have his shot of whiskey after his meal.. I remember them both fondly and the rituals they had after 65 years of marriage. 

I am looking forward to some snow and a slow Sunday with some music and the fireplace on to cook a nice meal... maybe even a glass of wine with dinner or perhaps a grasshopper. 


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