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Friday, March 18, 2022

Is it here?

 Those morning sounds are music to my ears.. the sounds of geese flying overhead and the formation of miles of migrating birds.  I love the sights and sounds of spring and this is just one of the signs we are getting closer to warmth and sunshine.  The robins are back and the cardinals never left! the little birds in the morning tweet and twitter! I like the sunrise and am fortunate to have a eastern view and can watch the sky change colors and the sun rise before the day takes over.  

I know the housing market is changing again and we are getting lots of new listings, this too is a sign of spring market ramping up!  If you are in the market to buy or sell - feel free to reach out for more information on how I can help with that move.

Until next time, take a moment to enjoy the sights and sounds of the spring! 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Burlington Building Bridges

 I have to admit I know a bit about Burlington and the day to day happenings, I keep up with the newspapers and the local online chats etc.  So when I was invited to Burlington Building Bridges on Tuesday evening I was excited and a little nervous.  I knew the mission of this organization was empowering and uplifting those who had financial and personal struggles, what I had not prepared for was how amazing this team is!  Mona is an absolute rock star in her leading role with the participants as well as the other volunteers.

I came away from the experience with a new respect and admiration for these individuals and the program in it's entirety.  If you are interested in finding out more there are many opportunities available from volunteering to presenting for the group.

To find out more:

I feel a great pride in my community after being witness to the love and empathy that was present at this meeting.  Well done Burlington Building Bridges, I will be making more  time to make a difference in other's lives and will gain as much I give for sure.💕

Friday, February 4, 2022

Tax Season

Tax Season 

It's that time of year when we start searching for all the records, receipts, expenditures from 2021 and wondering... now, where did I file that (?) Or is that just me that waits until year end to round it all up- make those Quickbook
entries and hope I haven't forgotten something important~

To this I would add, I am grateful to have a tax accountant - those folks are so versed in taxes and keeping up with changing laws, keeping me from being stressed out and open to audit~ I applaud all they do... it surely is not my line of work now or ever!

Take time to thank you tax person, mail carriers, hair dresser, delivery services,  all those folks we rely on but don't thank often enough for all they do. 



Friday, January 28, 2022

Homes in January 2022

 Historically January is a little slower in the real estate world - this year is no different - I imagine as a buyer this time of year is not the best time to trudge into homes and compare them to see what fits - but if you have to move in the winter - let's go!  I work with first time buyers and move up buyers, sellers and investors.  

Listings are picking up right now - so the inventory is already growing and should continue to gain momentum as we start to warm up, looking forward to both the warm up and the increase in property listings.  What can I sell for you? 

I am curious  - I know how much my home means  what does home mean to you? leave me a message and tell me what it means to you to come home and how it makes you feel.

Friday, January 14, 2022


 I am on those people who enjoys cooking... I like food and I like my own cooking. These days I tend to watch what I eat more and more.  Rarely do I find myself in line at the local fast food chains, but when I do, I am reminded why I like to cook! 

There is just something about a Sunday that makes me want to cook a big meal.  My Grandma always had Sunday dinner of steak and consomme rice with a creme de menthe grasshopper afterwards, and Grandpa would have his shot of whiskey after his meal.. I remember them both fondly and the rituals they had after 65 years of marriage. 

I am looking forward to some snow and a slow Sunday with some music and the fireplace on to cook a nice meal... maybe even a glass of wine with dinner or perhaps a grasshopper. 


Friday, January 7, 2022

Goals for 2022

Welcome to 2022  - try to imagine the world 100  years from now! and looking back at 100 years how we have changed the world! 

I enjoy this first part of the year, much like waking up early and getting the day started with a workout 5 days a week. I enjoy the discipline of it, the challenge of being accountable to myself.  

Its much the same for work, discipline and accountability to my clients.  I take this time to set my goals for the year.  Looking back at the previous year and working on the things that worked and tweaking the things that didn't.  2021 was a great year in the real estate world, I am blessed and grateful for the business.  

The goal is to become better and I am committed to that always.  I want each client feel their experience with me was unforgettable!

 Looking forward to this bright new year as I hope you are also.


Friday, December 31, 2021

2022 is almost here...

 Happy New Year!  

Wishing all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2022! 

I look forward to a fantastic 2022 and invite you to call me, text or email,
as always, I appreciate your loyalty and your business.

Go to:  


to see more posts!

Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas

It's Christmas !

Its the magic of Christmas season and even though there is not a chance of a white Christmas its still, for me, a blessed time of gratitude and giving. 

I am reflecting on the many exceptional clients and friends I have made this year!  Beyond blessed to have assisted so many buyers and sellers.  I am grateful beyond measure to have this job, it's incredible and so rewarding. 

Who could have guessed that 25+ years ago, I would interview for a reception job after the news of  lay offs from my salaried job at Fruehauf, at 10 P.M. with shorts and T shirt and wind blown hair from being on a motorcycle.! 
Pretty sure that both owners at the time did not agree on my potential!  Funny to look back and think how I soon became  a partner and together Jon and I have built this incredible firm that continues to grow and expand our services and service areas.  We do have the best of the best agents ! 

My heart is full of joy and I wish you all blessings and good health, safe travels and a happy and prosperous 2022.  

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Tis the Season

Tis the Season - to give and to share- to volunteer and to be kind 

Again this year  I volunteered for shopping day at Toys for Tots the local Marines do an incredible job from the toy collecting and set up right down to the distribution and getting volunteers to shop .

If you have never volunteered here are some facts - over 1300 children are in need this year-that is a huge number !

The program teams them up with a volunteer to help shop for kiddo's and we have a ball trying to find just the right things!  Some kids get a bike or a giant playhouse, balls and dolls are always plentiful as well as some great stuffed animals, games and of course coloring  books. 

I love  the smiles on the Mom's and Grandma's faces, the Dads and all the parents shopping. The need is real and this allows so many to have a great Christmas.  A little holiday spirit without snow or cold - and a little holiday music made for a great day! 

Blessings to all who helped make this a success. 

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Still Thankful

 After the guests leave and the food is put away the house is quiet and then …..thoughts of a turkey sandwich with cranberry and cream cheese- you go with great anticipation but........ the refrigerator is warm and the ice is melting in the freezer!  all the wonderful leftovers are just a distant dream.....of all the times to make an exit this refrigerator was only 2.5 years old and has given up.

Being of good cheer we shopped and googled and rated new models of refrigerators and found one that still matches our other appliances. We are blessed to have a refrigerator in our lower level and did not lose everything in the freezer.  Thankfully it was only a week and a few extra trips up and down the steps were good exercise.  We are blessed. 

Shout out to the young men who deliver these giant appliances daily with such ease.  Our new model is in and we call her Paris…as in you could fly to Paris for what they cost these days.  

Lesson learned, do your homework before purchasing a major appliance and be sure it has a good warranty. That is yet to be resolved on the old unit.

Pictures from the last few weeks

I find people and places and things fascinating.. it's fun to share and see how things make you feel, for me it's nostalgia and I lo...